WELCOME to the WILD Spaces classroom!
This is an online classroom hosted by TakingITGlobal. Bookmark this page to find it easily.
Think of this space as a big online classroom where youth from across Canada can interact as they guide themselves through learning activities about pollinators and habitat. It’s a fun and modern way for students to collaborate on issues that matter and share what they’ve learned. Students can work on their own or in groups and they can complete the activities at their own pace.
You can have your students start the first four activities any time. Encourage them to share their work and photos and leave positive comments for others in this safe space.
One of the program pillars of the WILD Spaces program is for students to put their knowledge into action by creating a pollinator garden. You can request pollinator plant packs for your school garden projects by filling out a request form below.
If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected].
It's that time of the year to request perennial plants for your pollinator garden projects. The WILD Spaces program supports schools and community groups to create a pollinator-friendly habitat. Requests are randomly selected and you will be notified if your project would receive plants. You can expect delivery by mid-May.
Click on request plants!

Webinar: Embrace the Chill: Lessons from Winter Wildlife
Ever wondered what animals do when the temperature drops? Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of winter wildlife! From hibernation to migration to adaptation, we’ll explore the strategies our furry friends use to thrive in the cold. As humans, we don’t hibernate or migrate (well, some of us do!), but we do adapt to winter conditions in our own unique ways. Get inspired to bundle up and head outside through this interactive lesson with the Canadian Wildlife Federation! All registrants will receive a Winter Resource Kit containing activities to inspire further outdoor exploration!

Webinaire : Aimer l’hiver : leçons de la faune hivernale
avoir ce que les animaux font quand il fait froid, ça vous intrigue? On vous invite à venir explorer le monde fascinant de la faune en hiver avec nous! Hibernation, migration, adaptation : quelle stratégie vont-ils choisir? Nous, les humains, nous n’hibernons ni ne migrons (quoique…), mais nous nous adaptons aux conditions hivernales de notre propre façon. Donnez-vous le goût de sortir dehors cet hiver avec cette leçon interactive offerte par la Fédération canadienne de la faune! Toutes les personnes inscrites recevront une trousse de ressources sur l’hiver qui contient des activités pour explorer dehors et apprendre à aimer l’hiver! Also available in English.
Aimer l’hiver : leçons de la faune hivernale - YouTube
As we celebrate this day, connecting with nature helps us deepen our understanding of the environment and uncover ways to better protect endangered species.

One of the many benefits of healthy soil is that it provides essential nutrients for our plants, which in turn supports the environment and wildlife. As we commemorate World Soil Day, we trust that you have found inspiration to consider soil-focused initiatives for your school gardens.